Monday, September 01, 2008

Yet another Brutal Yay

'The Savages" as in the name, like ' The Tennenbaums.' Philip Seymour Hoffman, his worst always better than pretty much everyone else, and Laura Linney, a remarkably versatile actress, are touchingly lovely in this film about a brother and sister dealing with an estranged and dying father. This may not be an easy film if you've lost a parent or are at least middle aged yourself, thus advancing your very own march to the borders of oblivion.

If you're young and sensitive and intelligent, you'll appreciate this film, but perhaps it won't batter you as much . Let me be clear, this is not a great film. It's weak enough that you might not find yourself caring about the characters as much as you might, though they all will make you chuckle pretty regularly, and you will most definitley like them. The REAL story here, however, along with the wonderful acting of Hoffman and Linney, is Phillip Bosco as the dad. I worked with him on several occasions when he hosted film series' for Bravo back in the late 80's. A great guy, husband, father, Jersey feller who was and still is a totally accomplished stage actor.

In this low budget film, shot so that you feel cold throughout ... which is good (though weather continuity is a little dicey) as most of it takes place in Buffalo, his is a truly fine performance, period. Worth the amortized Netflix price to be sure.


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